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Government & Private Tendors

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Welcome to Sai Ngo Advisor. 12A

For recognition of your esteemed charitable organization u/s 12AA of Income Tax Act, 1961 with Directorate of Income Tax (Exemptions), Ministry of Finance.

Various activities involved would be as follows:
Drafting & preparation of documents for 12A Application. Follow up with the department for hearing,
Preparation of documents for hearing of the case,
Finalization of case and obtaining order from the department. Read More

Welcome to Sai Ngo Advisor. Niti Ayog

NITI Aayog, the National Institution for Transforming India is a Government of India policy, established to replace the Planning Commission.The aim of NITI Aayog is to encourage involvement and participation in the economic policy-making process, with emphasis towards making the country a cooperative federalism.

NITI Aayog started a new initiative called ‘NITI Lectures: Transforming India’, the aim of which is to invite globally-reputed policy makers, experts, and administrators to India to share their expertise and knowledge in policy making and good governance with their Indian counterparts.
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Welcome to Sai Ngo Advisor. FCRA

All types of NGO’S like Charitable Trusts, Societies, Section 8 Company (Non Government Organization’s) that receive foreign contribution or donation from foreign sources are required to obtain registration under Section 6(1) of Foreign Contribution Regulation Act, 2010. As per Section 1(2) of FCRA 2010, THE PROVISION of the act shall apply to whole in India, Citizens of India outside India and Associate Branches or subsidiaries, outside India, of companies or bodies corporate, registered or incorporated in India Such a registration under the Foreign Contribution Regulation Act, 2010 is called a FCRA registration.

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Welcome to Sai Ngo Advisor. Balance sheet

A balance sheet is a financial statement that reports a company's assets, liabilities and shareholders' equity at a specific point in time, and provides a basis for computing rates of return and evaluating its capital structure.

The balance sheet is one of the three fundamental financial statements and is key to both financial modeling and accounting. The balance sheet displays the company’s total assets, and how these assets are financed, through either debt or equity. It can also be referred to as a statement of net worth, or a statement of financial position.
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