About Us

About Us
Government & Private Tendors

About Us

We research, evaluate, and rank NGO in order to showcase the best practices and newest ideas in the nonprofit sector. We organize our research into rankings both for the sake of the organizations that participate in our review and to present our findings to a large international audience of donors, volunteers, journalists, researchers, diplomats and others. We aim to be a mirror for the evolving values of the global nonprofit sector and to spark debate about the nature of nonprofit work.

We sometimes see tension between the nonprofit sector and the media. NGO often feel compelled to present data in a way that fits the narrative of their mission or to please donors; journalists intend to seek out the truth but often bring their own biases to reporting. Nothias, with his experience as a journalist of global affairs, unifies these dual interests and grounds our practice in the values of both. Under his guidance, we combine sound journalism with comprehensive research to conduct a fair assessment of the nonprofit sector that will serve organizations, journalists, researchers, and others dedicated to improving NGO.